About Abaadica

Abaadi Charity Association is a non-profit, non-government and non-political organisation based in Stockholm, Sweden. The initiative to start the organisation in October 2013 was triggered by the disastrous earthquake which occurred in Balochistan in 2013. The consequences of the catastrophe resulted in a profound number of people losing their homes and belongings, where they are dependent on the mercy of other people for their day to day survival. Our vision with Abaadi is to create awareness and provide aid to the people living in the aftermath of natural disasters, mainly by helping to meet basic needs like food and shelter. We believe that this can be achieved by bringing attention to the struggles of the people affected by natural disasters, and the notion that our organisation exists solely for the benefit of the Balochi people. Our goal is to bring together the Balochi community from all around the world with the incentive of helping those that are in need, particularly as the area of Balochistan is repeatedly threatened and affected by various disasters.

Abaadica Association Charter


موسسه خيريه آبادى يك موسسه بيطرف است و به هيچ حزب، سازمان و گروه سياسى و مذهبى وابسته نيست و هدفش تنها كمك به مردم بلوچستان و ساير مردم دنيا مى باشد. از گروه ها، سازمانها و افرادى كه موسسه را براى جمع آورى كمك به سيل زدگان مردم بلوچستان تبليغ مى نمايند تشكر مى نماييم

هئيت مديره موسسه آبادى


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 Abaadica logo with white text  PDF

Abaadica logo 2 with black text PDF

Abaadica logo 3 with black text PNG

Abaadica logo 4 with white text  PNG

Abaadica logo PDF