Abaadi Charity Association is a non-profit, non-government and non-political organisation based in Stockholm, Sweden. The initiative to start the organisation in October 2013 was triggered by the disastrous earthquake which occurred in Balochistan in 2013. The consequences of the catastrophe resulted in a profound number of people losing their homes and belongings, where they are dependent on the mercy of other people for their day to day survival. Our vision with Abaadi is to create awareness and provide aid to the people living in the aftermath of natural disasters, mainly by helping to meet basic needs like food and shelter…
موسسه خيريه آبادى يك موسسه بيطرف است و به هيچ حزب، سازمان و گروه سياسى و مذهبى وابسته نيست و هدفش تنها كمك به مردم بلوچستان و ساير مردم دنيا مى باشد. از گروه ها، سازمانها و افرادى كه موسسه را براى جمع آورى كمك به سيل زدگان مردم بلوچستان تبليغ مى نمايند تشكر مى نماييم
هئيت مديره موسسه آبادى
Read MoreBalochistan is a province located in the South-West of Pakistan and the South-East of Iran. Balochistan has been at risk of recurrent natural disasters of all sorts, such as cyclones, floodings and earthquakes. Unfortunately, as the disasters strike, these areas often lack preventative measures and support to meet environmental standards. Additionally, there is a profound lack of funding for the purpose of rebuilding their homes and community, eventually leading to a backwards motion in the development of that society.
The recent earthquake in Balochistan was of a high magnitude and took approximately 825 lives and hundreds more were injured.
When you donate, you're giving Baloch children renewed strength to fight their illnesses, bringing families closer together and uniting entire communities.
Rebuild Communities in Balochistan. Abaadica Rebuild Communities primary mission is specifically serving, or providing investment capital for home acquisition for low-income communities or low-income persons in Balochistan.
Many people in Balochistan do not have access to water source. Their water sources are far away, unclean and unaffordable.
Abaadi Charity Association (abaadica) is a nonprofit organization, exists solely on voluntary contributions from those who share our ideals, For a better future. Please join as a Member of the Abaadi Institute. Yearly membership is only 150kr.
Donate NowDetailsDatum: Söndag 2 mars Tid: 15.00 Plats: Stallet En dag där musik, berättelser och dans väver samman Balochistans rika...
Över 180 byar i Balochistan ligger nu i ruiner efter kraftiga översvämningar. Ytterligare 250...
Naturliga katastrofer, som översvämningar, har återigen drabbat det underbara landskapet...
Our team's dedication stems from a deep sense of responsibility towards those impacted by the...