Urgen call for help

Heavy rain and severe flooding in Balochistan, South Iran has caused critical damage and death to the people and the wildlife that inhabits the area and thousands are fleeing from the catastrophe. Abaadica are responding to this emergency and we need your help ASAP.

Abaadica was founded in 2014 in response to urgency where we helped more than 100 people in Awaran, Balochistan. Unlike the big organizations, we don’t take any administration fees, salaries and on other expenses, we use all donations for the people we promise to help and provide evidence of it with video footage and reports.

Our main mission is to help the Baloch people in times of need, we have done it before and we will do it again together with your help. To acknowledge our donators we love to thank them openly on social media, let us know if you want to remain anonymous.

We do not accept cash, only PayPal, Swish (Swedish) or bank transfer to our Abaadica bank accounts.
Our website: www.abaadica.org

Swish nummer (only in Sweden)
BANK: SEB Banken
BANKACCOUNT : 5287-1050562
Bankgiro :566-3133

International payment
SE26 5000000005287105 0562
Account and Bank
BANK: SEB banken
Bankgiro :566-3133

Your help will save many lives.

Become a member or DONATE now.

We do not accept Cash donation.
We accept  only donation via  Paypal, Swish or our bank account

Abaadi Charity Association is a nonprofit organization, exists solely on voluntary contributions from those who share our ideals, For a better future. Please join as a Member of the Abaadi Institute. Yearly membership is only 250Kr.
We Need Your Help for a better future, you can donate 50 kr, 100 kr,  200 kr, 300 kr or more


Account and Bank

Swish nummer (only in Sweden)

Bank for Swedish citizen:

BANK: SEB Banken
BANKACCOUNT : 5287-1050562
Bankgiro :566-3133

International payment

SE26 5000000005287105 0562


Account and Bank
BANK: SEB banken
Bankgiro :566-3133




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